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Test How the Smartven Vending Machine Works

Have you ever thought about whether your product can be sold at a vending machine? Do you think your product will get stuck in the vending machine? These things must have occurred to you all, therefore, in this article I will discuss drop tests on vending machines. So, what is a drop test and how does it work on a vending machine? Let's see the information below.

Drop test is a product test that is carried out directly on the smartven vending machine to see if the product you are going to sell at the vending machine can work well. The point is to match the product packaging with the choice of spiral modules available in the smartven vending machine in order to minimize the product getting stuck or not falling when your customer makes a transaction at the vending machine.

Vending Machine Product Drop Test Steps

At smartven, you can test your product at a vending machine for free. And to do a product drop test at this smartven vending machine, you don't have to wait to sign the contract first, because the purpose of this product drop test is to avoid things like, for example, you want to sell your product at the smartven vending machine, and you have already signed up. contract with smartven, it turns out that after the vending machine is placed at your place, the products that you are going to sell at the vending machine are stuck so that customers who make transactions at the vending machine feel disappointed with your product vending machine, and finally no customer wants to shop again in your vending machine. To avoid things like that, smartven provides a service to drop test products on smartven vending machines for free for you. If you are interested in doing a drop test of your product at a smartven vending machine for free, you can follow these steps:

Contact Smartven

If you want to do a product drop test, the first thing you have to do is contact smartven here. Later we will schedule a time to drop test your product at the vending machine.

Sending Photos and Product Dimension Details

After you contact smartven, you must send us a photo and detailed dimensions of your product. The point is so that the smartven team can prepare a spiral vending machine that fits your product.

Sending Products

If the smartven team has confirmed to drop test your product, you can send your product to the smartven warehouse address.

If you have free time and want to watch the drop test of your product at the vending machine, you can come directly to the smartven warehouse at the time promised by the smartven team beforehand. However, if you can't watch your product drop test at the vending machine because you're busy or out of town, you don't have to worry, because later the smartven team will send you a video drop test of your product. So you can still see the product drop test process on the vending machine.

Until now, Smartven has done a lot of product drop tests at vending machines, ranging from food products, beverages, snacks, instant noodles, beauty products such as lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, cushion, accessory products such as bags, wallets, hats, health products. such as masks, hand sanitizers, medicines, hair care products, such as shampoo and conditioner, then frozen food, t-shirts, books and also mystery boxes containing electronics and accessories. And of all the products, not all of them have passed the drop test at the vending machine, there are some products such as t-shirts, masks, bags, medicines that get stuck during the drop test at the vending machine. But you don't have to worry, because if your product gets stuck in the vending machine, you may be able to change the packaging of your product, or you can change the folds of your product. I will discuss things about tips and tricks for your product so that it doesn't get stuck in the vending machine in the next article. So just wait for the article updates from Smartven.

Well, so you don't have to worry anymore whether your product will get stuck in the vending machine or not. Because you can do a product drop test at the smartven vending machine for free. You just follow the steps as described above. If it turns out that your product is stuck in the vending machine, I will provide tips & tricks for you in the next article. Stay tuned!

For those of you who still want to ask questions about the product drop test at the smartven vending machine, you can contact the smartven team at the link below.


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