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Why start a vending machine business? | Vending Expert Series Ep. 7

vending expert series

Smartven started a new form of informative series on vending machines titled Vending Expert Series. The series with more or less 2-minutes long will be in the format of asking questions to the vending machine expert, and hopefully can help people understand better about vending machines in a less text-book way. Previously we have learned how much it cost to start a vending machine business. This seventh episode will cover the question of “why start a vending machine business?”. Let’s take a look.

Risks and chances in business

In Indonesia, starting a business as a side job can be a great source of income while also feeding one’s freedom to be creative or to fulfill a long-term passion. But it also needs bigger responsibilities, like startup costs for a start. From there, if the business needs an offline presence, the cost can also snowball into trivial factors such as rental costs, operational costs and human resources. But there is also a way to minimise these problems, and that is running your business with a vending machine.

Why should we start a vending machine business?

We previously answered topics with the questions of how, but relating to the basic intuition, we will start answering the question why. We know how a vending machine was invented, we know how to find a location for a vending machine, we know how to pick the right product to be sold. We all know these answers, so why should we consider starting a vending machine business?

People are used to being mobile. They commute to work, to the shopping mall, to supermarkets, or just to visit somewhere that looks interesting to them. This also goes hand-in-hand with the natural being of a consumptive behaviour. When people go out and about, they naturally want to spend something; either buying a cup of coffee, some snacks maybe. This answers to why a vending machine. The compact machine that takes up little to no space can make a good business venture. Costs that are needed in the first place can be minimised, too. Vending machines don’t have to have sales assistants, it can have the option to be rented or bought, and it is just as good as an offline store. As the technology developed, smart vending machines also have QR payment options, which clearly can be a better option for a fast-paced lifestyle like people who are always on-the-go, while still looking interesting enough for people with a consumptive behaviour.

The weekly series will cover more interesting topics about vending machines, so make sure to check the video on Smartven’s YouTube channel, and give it a thumbs up, comment, subscribe and share the video! You can always check our website and Instagram page for more information. Stay healthy and see you in the next episode!


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