The Perfect World of Matchmaking Business Model

Many times, when you hear or read the word matchmaking, you will automatically think it is all about finding partners. True, but if your mind goes to online dating apps right away, well the bad news is, we are not talking about them here. Matchmaking itself does work as finding the right partner. In this case, it is business partner. Namely the matchmaking model, a business model that flows around the buyers and sellers, without one or two co-partners need to own anything while running the business. Owning a business during a pandemic crisis is hard enough already. Some may need to go out buying groceries, some may still have to wait the store, or maybe, some just stay at home wondering when will their small business to be out there.
This business model has been around for some time. You may even use them without noticing. Way back then (the years before 2020 sound like a long time ago, don’t they?) when we were free to travel, some of us might have use Airbnb to book places for our short stays. They use this matchmaker model. We find the best place we love from browsing on Airbnb website, book the accommodation months before, have paid the rental fee, and we just wait for our holiday. From the other side –the one who owns the place– they have their place be ready, they wait for you, yet they do not receive the rental money until you depart from their accommodation. You see, Airbnb does not own anything, not even the accommodation or employing the owners. They just simply have the service to cater both the renter and the owner.
But why matchmaking?
If you own a business, at this point you might have been invited to several business meetings to build networks and eventually finding what they call the perfect partner. But these meetings sometimes cost extra time and money. The initial meeting will lead to follow-up meetings, some with lower chances to connect with the ideal opportunity for your business. You will get tired of pitching your business to people who may have little to no interest in what you do. Before you know it, you need to spend more money investing on something you thought will turn out well. Does not sound that bad, but you can try a more efficient way to do business.
Matchmaking model helps both sectors establish a more efficient way in doing business without needing to go to business meetings and pitching ideas to people who show less to no interest.
Matchmaking and networking are two keywords that go well together. At the right level, they both will attract specific brands that cater to your needs. Say that B-to-B brands are a natural in this sector. Little did we know that B-to-C is what gives more presence and personal feels to it. Let us give you an easy example. As a consumer, we buy two cans of soda at the minimart. Then you go to your favourite restaurant, where they buy the same can of soda in bulk. Matchmaking can cover them both. A happy world where B-to-B and B-to-C live in peace side by side.

A matchmaking forum?
We did say it will be a happy world, but then we have the pandemic crisis with us. A brick-and-mortar shop is not an ideal way to do business right now. Going online is the best way, but it does not have the reach you need. You still want your business to have the presence and the identity, you want it to be out there where people can connect with your business. Having a vending machine might be the right answer.
Smartven introduced a matchmaking forum, where you can advertise your needs to run your business. Either you are a big company who wants to join this vending machine bandwagon, or maybe you have a home business needing help to sell your business but on a budget. You can start by writing in your thoughts there, who knows the right partner will answer.
OCTO Vending matchmaking?
In our older posts, we have mentioned about this red cute OCTO Vending. Smartven is partnered with CIMB Niaga exclusively for OCTO Vending. The good news is, they are up for this matchmaking model we are running.
Let’s break it down on how this business model works. For example, you want to start a vending machine business with your products. The OCTO Vending can provide you with the vending machine, you will not have to pay the rent, it is on them. In this forum, more likely that a company will want to offer their product to be included in the vending machine, because of the free advertising of OCTO Vending. But then, you have no idea where to put your vending machine. As you write in this matchmaking forum, another company may have read your inquiry, and if they are interested, they will offer you a spot that goes well with what you sell. Or, likewise, there may be a building owner who wants to put a vending machine at their place but no idea where to start. They can also write on this forum to find the ideal business match. We did say it is more efficient, right? Not only efficient for B-to-B business but also for B-to-C business.
How to start signing up?
If we have piqued your interest in signing up to this matchmaking forum (and our five-minute business class), you can start by clicking the 'Find Location' button down below. You can fill your inquiries or browse what others have been writing about. Smartven will make sure we try our best to help you finding the perfect match for your business, without costing your time and money.
Should you need to know more about us, you can find out more through our Instagram and our website, we got you covered with useful information regarding vending machine business. In the meantime, you can start planning your business so you can thrive in 2022. We hope to see you soon!