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Pampered and Prejudice: Beauty Products Vending Machine

Today, if you take a walk outside or go to public places, you probably will see several vending machines on your way. Not only limited to snacks and drinks, some goods in the machine will make your head turns and wonder if you have come to the new age of instant commerce (we're going to start with big words now). The products mostly share the same vibe with the places they are in. We always see PET bottle drinks vending machine right around places like waiting area, or the vague empty area you go between mini marts. But have you seen what vending machines can sell in vague yet relatable places? Like how vending machines with beauty products, with appealing decorations and all, are placed in the middle of shopping malls. You always see the bright stores of beauty products, and they do have cute packagings that lure girls to visit (works like a charm, they say). Combined with technology, vending machines and beauty products have been a huge hit. Back then, you can almost find these girls grouping around beauty stores, and most of the time they just come to browse the products. As the pandemic hit, most stores are short with sales assistants, testers are also limited, so vending machines come in handy for these 'window shoppers'.

The Pink Pamper

Tune in to your favourite radio station now, we bet you have heard songs in Korean within the hour. Yes, the so-called Korean wave have impacts around the globe, getting attentions left and right. Coming in hot with their cultures during the digital era where most active users are Gen Zs, the demand to apply 'everything Korean' in daily life has reached its peak for the younger generation. Korean films, Korean dramas, Korean snacks, and the most popular one that has been a big breakout for the last decade: the Korean beauty products. When the advertisement shows girls (sometimes unreal-looking guys) in their glassy skins and perfect makeup, sold at cheaper prices too, we can say that nothing will stop girls (or even you, possibly) from flocking around the store as if some magic trick is happening.

Settling at affordable price range for girls and women alike, Korean beauty products have been one of the top choices when it comes to skincare and makeup line. We can agree that they also work too, despite being similar in price tags to drugstore beauty products. They gain fans and followers through the cute and bright packaging, and sometimes they also do collaborations with other brands that make them even more desirable.

Among these lower-end Korean beauty products, one of them is Peripera. They are rapidly growing these past few years after expanding their global branches outside South Korea. The iconic little tube with tiny wand to apply lip colour, branded as dabbing ink on your lips, has become a must-wanted item to try. The name itself comes from the word Peri which means fairy in Persian, and coincidentally also translates into peri in Bahasa. Peripera recently opened their first offline store in Indonesia in 2020, and since then have gathered even more fans nationally.

The beauty brand decided to take their engagement up a notch by selling their products through a vending machine with Smartven. By placing the vending machine inside shopping malls, they get a free exhibition to attract fans and newbies. Vivid images of teenage girls seeing a cute huge pink machine that houses some of their favourite-yet-affordable beauty products are certainly a sight to be expected. Well, with the presence of this beauty vending machine you can certainly say that being pampered is just one tap away!

The Prejudice Piece

Most vending machines can look dull, like the ones you may see in public places looking grim with less attributes attached. But with the right design, they can appear as both attractive and interactive vending machines.

Say you have a small piece of advertisement that (maybe) only require a screen, and you have this prejudice that by doing your sales via vending machine, you cannot have both best of both worlds. Truth be told, everything can be customized these days, from the outer part of the machine's body, to the interactive touchscreen. You want to have an all-bright-pink vending machine that hurts eyes? Done. You want to put a small video on the LCD screen to show how cool your products are? Also, can be done. You want to have custom signage to lure customers? Everything that in terms with how the vending machine appear to be, can be done with a good design. Unless you want the vending machine to have arms and legs, well, we don't do that here.

In line with the Peripera vending machine, more beauty products are joining the bandwagon of this beauty vending machine trend. ‘Where beauty and technology meet’ is how they usually describe the trend. Beauty products always have their unique personalities attached to them, and by that idea, the need to personalise beauty vending machines is, by far, a prejudice. You need a visually striking vending machine that you can relate the product to. We previously mentioned about the Cloud technology, in this customization this cloud system can also control the LCD screen without even stepping outside the house. You can custom the vending machine as attractive as you want it to be.

You have your own beauty brand and have been thinking your ways to join this beauty vending machine trend, then for a start, try customizing your own beauty vending machine by clicking the button below this page to do a free consultation. For more information on vending machine catalogue, you can click here.

Should you need more information about us, hop along to both Smartven’s website and Instagram page and we got you covered with our informative posts and videos. We hope to see you soon!


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