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Vending Machine Categories, Costs and Types for Your Business

Starting a vending machine business naturally come with wide opportunities. You may get into thinking that this bulky machine can only sell as much as snacks and drinks. The prejudice, we know. But did you know that owning a vending machine can do so much more than that? If you don’t, we can lead you through a comprehend step-by-step beginner guide on costs and deciding your perfect fit of a vending machine.

Vending machine costs

Owning one machine is surely quite an investment. Some sources may suggest you can start with finding used or refurbished ones should you still have doubts starting this business. But choosing the one that is perfect for your brand can go in a long run. Purchasing one vending machine is just a start. Consider the cost of inventory to stock your machine, and even the repair cost in case you need it. Depending on how many machines you plan to own and what type of business you run with the said machines, the investment can quite cost you a fortune. And as we said, the perfect vending machine for your brand can give you advantages and if the business is in the right way, it can get you more money flows, right?

1. Consider your options

The standard vending machine usually sells snacks and drinks. If you have thought of joining this vending machine business, you probably have some creative ideas to give this a try. In general, there are four categories you can consider. These categories have products that usually have their designated target markets. But whichever you choose, you may want to start with one machine in a specific market focus. From there, you can opt from expanding the business as you learn on-the-go.

Food & beverages – You can never go wrong with this category. It can vary from beverages only, snacks only, or both snacks and drinks. Some consider owning different types of vending machine in one location, or the other way, one machine in multiple locations.

Bulk vending – The smaller sister of the vending machine but can hold so much. They usually sell the round colourful gums or small toys. Mostly seen in the entertainment area. The good news is they don’t need electricity to operate, but the bad news is, we don’t sell them, sorry.

Specialty vending – These are the more successful, tech-savvy older brothers of the standard vending machine. Usually appear as smart vending machines, and they can sell almost anything. Beauty products, essential travel items, or small electronic products are just the several types they can fit into their bulky machines. This means they can sell hot and cold foods, as the machine keeps the expiry date like how normal refrigerators do. They also can be customized to the brand, so if you think this category is what you are looking for, you can start by reading about customizing your vending machine and running a marketing campaign with a vending machine.

Partnering options – You have been thinking that starting the business from nothing can be quite a hassle. Looking for a partnership can give you extra support as you can follow their business framework. For one example as a start, CIMB Niaga OCTO Vending offers a partnership where you can use their vending machine, so you don’t have to invest in owning the vending machine itself.

2. Choosing the locations

After choosing the mentioned category you want to start with, deciding the right location for your business is also a crucial factor that can help you earn profits. A standard snacks and drinks vending machine can be a better choice to put in office buildings rather in the middle of a shopping mall. But on the other hand, a beauty vending machine thrives in shopping malls and will not get any attention in office buildings. You can also read on how to choose locations to put vending machines here.

3. Find your perfect vending machine

You have chosen both category and location, but you can’t start a vending machine business without first obtaining the vending machine, can you? Lucky for you, Smartven offers three options of vending machine types. Not one, but three. But first, these types have two categories: analog and digital. In short, digital is the one with the small LCD touchscreen and the analog one is the standard vending machine. Both types can be customized to your own design and branding.

SVA – The analog superstar. This one is perfect for snacks and drinks. They accept cash, so they can be put in areas where people have troubles with online payment with apps and smartphones. Also works in school area or factories. They are up for sale and the price point for this machine is Rp 30,000,000 before tax.

SV22 and SV49 – These two have LCD touchscreens, the number noting the LCD size in inch. Namely the smart vending machine, they are connected to the cloud smart vending system where you can check your inventories and your machine status even when you are away. These machines can be rented for around Rp 4,500,000 per month or can be purchased starting from Rp 66,000,000.

The bottom line

Investing in vending machine business can allow you to generate a passive income without taking a massive investment. By doing research on choosing your perfect type of vending machine to the perfect location, this vending business can be a source of financial income even for beginners and business owners alike.

Should you need more information about Smartven, you can check our website and Instagram page with useful information on vending machine business. You can also click the button down below to book your consultation if you are eager to know more. Stay healthy and see you next time!


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